Student Nationals, Edinburgh, 2010

It was awesome.

Of course it was, it was the nationals. It reminded me of all kinds of things. Why I enjoy roleplaying, why I’m training for ministry, why I like the people I like. My the Nationals forever continue.

A lot to do in 48 hours, but then, if you’ve never been, you can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like to gel with these people, and form friendships. Ones that allow you to walk up to people you only speak to once a year, get the entire year in miniature, and laugh and cry with them through their year. Sometimes you have conversations like their your closest friends.. often because you’ve known them 3 or 4 years. Even if you only speak once a year.

Of course, the most important thing is the roleplay. This year I was GM’ing fantasy. Yes, I know. Not something I normally do. It was last-minit, and they needed me, so I volunteered.

So, now it’s bedtime in the vauge hope of updating my body clock to cope with life in the Rat-RAce again.







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