Category: Systematics

  • Water Found On Mars : The Impact on Theology : Water Found On Mars Yes, folks, it had to happen sooner or later. Water has been found on the red planet, Mars. Initially this might not seem such a big thing, but it means that, at some point, water in it’s fluid form may have been found in abundance on the surface, which…

  • A Theology of Delight

    One of the fascinating discussions that I’ve had recently (today in fact) is with Mark Clavier, Dean of Residential Training at St. Micheals College, Llandaff. As is often the case when you wander the halls of a theological college, you find yourself entering into discussions that have tremendous theological value. This one I found to…

  • The Litteral Adam

    This is one of those problems that’s been bugging me since I began reading a blog post about why, theologically, we _need_ a literal Adam. Annoyingly I couldn’t find the blog post again in order to take the points individually, but the general debate is based on the problem outline by Peter Enns in a…

  • Introduction to BlackXanthus’ Systematics

    I have long been contemplating embarking on an attempt to write Systematic Theology. Though I’m hoping, of course, that this will be somewhat different. I don’t have a “system” that I’m attempting to explore, I’m not really trying to find the place of Grace in the great contemporary issues of the day, or looking at…