Category: Reflections

  • 40 Questions about why I support Gay Marriage

    As a socially-liberal Christian, there are now many reactions around the world in reaction to the USA’s acceptance of single-sex marriage. It’s odd that similar results in other countries have not produces such reactions. I have, of course, been in debate over this issue for many years, and many friends have sent me a link…

  • Maleist Biblical Reading

    During the course on Biblical Hermenutics, I was told that there were not many readings done from the perspective of a man, writing as a man. I thought that it was time that I tried to do some writing from this perspective, and so I have produced what I hope is a “Maleist” reading. It’s…

  • Memes, Proverbs, and Movie Quotes

    The internet is filled with “memes”. I use the “” advisedly, because they are distcint and different from the psydo-scientific term Meme. Of the “memes” that are floating about the internet, most seem to be a comment on life, but there are some that seem to be suggestions on how to live a better life.…

  • Water Found On Mars : The Impact on Theology : Water Found On Mars Yes, folks, it had to happen sooner or later. Water has been found on the red planet, Mars. Initially this might not seem such a big thing, but it means that, at some point, water in it’s fluid form may have been found in abundance on the surface, which…

  • The Litteral Adam

    This is one of those problems that’s been bugging me since I began reading a blog post about why, theologically, we _need_ a literal Adam. Annoyingly I couldn’t find the blog post again in order to take the points individually, but the general debate is based on the problem outline by Peter Enns in a…

  • Charismatic Leaders : Is there milage in this philosophy?

    I was challenged today over the role of Charismatic leaders in the Church. There is a feeling that the only way to draw people into the Church is through Charismatic leaders. No, I’m not here talking about “Leaders filled with the Spirit”, but leaders who personable, and have that magnetic personality that draws people to…

  • Change and Taxes, well, mostly change.

    Death is through to be something “unnatural”, or so we are taught by by our Christian Doctrine. Through man’s disobedience sin and death entered the world. In Genesis 3 the assumption is that Adam and Eve are immortal (though no such claim is made), and that beyond Eden there is death, seen as the punishment…

  • Another Take on the Flood Story in Genesis

    *Another Take on the Flood Story in Genesis* For a long time, the story of the flood in Genesis has been a source of theological problems for most theologians. On the face of it, it essentially shows God getting annoyed with the world, and drowning them en-masse apart from Noah and his family. I’ve been…

  • My Crime was Simply To be – A poem

    My Crime was Simply To be We walked the earth with everyone else. We spoke to them, We comforted them. We told them of God’s Grace; of God’s Love. We tried to show them the truth of what they already knew. They were afraid. Afraid of change. Afraid of being lost. And in that fear…

  • Desert Fathers accepting of homosexuality?

    Lust 29. ‘A brother, being tempted by a demon, went to a hermit and said ‘Those two monks over there who live together live sinfully’. But the hermit knew that a demon was deceiving him. So he called the brothers to him. In the evening he put out a mat for them, and covered them…

  • How to loose your influence in a theological debate:

    A response based on the reading of this article. An interesting piece which strikes a chord for me as someone who spends an inordinate amount of time discussing theology with people. I was happily nodding along in agreement with it, much of the actions is something that I see in others (of course never in…

  • Do Clones have Souls?

    Random question. Would a clone suffer from “Original Sin” Also, byextension, would it have a soul? – A Question I was asked by a friend. My Answer is below.Random question. Would a clone suffer from “Original Sin” Also, byextension, would it have a soul? An interesting question. One I quess that by the time I’ve…

  • Justified by Faith

    The theme Justified by Faith has been very much on my mind recently, with it coming to the fore as I re-read Romans in the context of a Biblical Studies class on the book. Part of the class was to use E.P. Saunder’s approach to Romans to rediscover a more authentic reading of Romans that…

  • The Carpathian Conundrum

    The BBC has recently launched a new Science Fiction series called Outcasts. It starts 5 years after a colonisation expedition has arrived on a new planet that has been called Carpathia, after the ship that showed up to rescue the survivors of the Titanic. Carpathia only has one major town, called Forthaven. The society is…

  • Wisdom, where art thou?

    Oh Wisdom, where art thou? Where is your promised rest? Upon You, and upon Your word I meditate, I read, mark, learn and inwardly digest, And my questions are answered by silence, As though they are but dust and wind. I take Your light into the world, And bare witness to it, Yet they question…