Category: Phil-Osophy

  • Thinking on Prayer

    Originally written: 02.07.2010 while in Lesotho. I think I should stop reading St. Thomas Aquinus, he’s giving me ideas above my station. The thought was as follows: Prayer transforms God’s power in potentia into God’s action in the world This is hardly, I would guess, a new thought, but it is a new one for…

  • Robots and Gods : Thinking about Robots thinking about the existance of God.

    While thinking about the nature of belief, it occurred to me that most people see the movement of God in their life through a high level of coincidence-type actions. When people see that their life fortuitously comes together, or improves despite some calamity, it is easy to see how this could be the action of…

  • Re-Mythologising Christianity

    Recently, I was reading “Stubborn Theological Questions”, by John Macquarrie. An interesting book which I found myself thoroughly disagreeing with. The problem, for me, was the current thrust to “De-Mythologise” Christianity. Denial of things like the Incarnation, and of explaining away Miracles as happenstance, or with other logical answers seems to be the way of…

  • Comic Con vs. WestBorough Baptist Church

    ….. Westborough Baptist Church looses. Which is not very surprising, at all. The usual madness that is the Fred Phelp’s clan descended onto Comic Con, USA, only to be faced by a protest held in response. With people holding signs like “Is this thing on?”, and “Odin is God”. The article doesn’t record the response…

  • Batman On an Elephant. That is All.

  • American Episcopate ahead of their time?

    Amidst calls for another reformation in the Catholic Church, the American Episcopal Church is busy forging ahead on it’s own. The news that’s making the headlines is of course the consecration as Bishop of Canon Mary Glasspool. This is not because she’s a Woman, the presiding Bishop of the US Episcopal Church is Dr Katherine…

  • Why is the Church Obsessd with Sex?

    Recently, I’ve been debating with a few people I know, the issues of Sex and the Church. It appears that the Church seems to mask “sex” in the lofty idea of “morality”. It appears, at least on a cursory glance at relevant press releases. It all seems to revolve around precisely what the point of…

  • Hamlet and Protestantism

    First, let me say that the Royal Shakespear Company’s recent version of Hamlet with Captain Picard(Patrick Stewart) and Doctor Who(David Tennant) is awesome. However, now that I’ve started being a God botherer, I started noticing some odd things about it. I started noticing the religious tone. Nothing unusuall there, because at the time, God was…

  • Fridge Magnet

    Today I was given a Fridge Magnet. It’s something that’s going to go in my “Rainy Days and Mondays” file. It was the simplest of gifts, yet the story behind it was… well, huge. Let me start somewhere that could be thought of as the Begining. Last Week, I preached a Sermon. It was a…

  • A commentry on “I am the Truth, the Way, and the Life”

    Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6, NRSV This is one of those lines that quite annoys us liberals. It seems to portray a very narrow-minded view of God, and not one that sits quite happily with…

  • Action Jesus

  • The End of the Experiment

    Well. A week spent of “letting Go, and Letting God”. Did I learn anything? Perhaps. I think the answer is probably something lame like “the middle way”. Not that there’s anything the matter with the middle way. I think though an important lesson has been (re)learnt. As is so often with these experiments, we notice…

  • The Experiment, (Day 3)

    So, today we had a Taize service. This is mostly lots of quiet meditative music, with bits being repeated, softly, gently and in harmony. Things being repeated for as long as was felt necessary, but all hte context of silence and meditative prayer. I had already been asked to serve at the ceremony, which was…

  • The Experiement (Day 0)

    So, there I was, minding my own business chatting with a friend of mine from college about our different approaches to God. I question everything, and she “let’s go, and let’s God”. As things go, she eventually dared me to try it. Just to not think about anything, not to analyse anything, but to simply…

  • Eve, distracted by the Shiny

    Hello All, Here’s an interesting thought… Genesis, as a psudo-literal story is a very irritating read. There are two trees in the Garden of Eden, one of Good and Evil, and one Life. When Eve touched the tree, she had disobeyed God (NRSV Genesis 3:3). So she may as well have eaten it. Lets stop…