Category: God Notes

  • Is it worth going through all of the training to become an anglican priest?

    When checking out my statistics page to see if my blog was getting anything like popular, I discovered that this question had been asked somewhere out in the googlesphere, and had some-how come to my blog. I don’t know if the person that typed this question found an answer out there, but I know that…

  • An argument in the Desert

    Two hermits lived together for many years without a quarrel. One said to the other, ‘Let’s have a quarrel with each other, as other men do.’ the other answered, ‘I don’t know how a quarrel happens.’ The first said, ‘Look here, I put a brick between us, and I say, “That’s mine.” That is how…

  • Gay And Lesbian Christians, You are Not Alone

    I’ve often pidgeon-holed Evancelicals along with the term “Fundamentalist”. This implies a strict adherence to the Bible, and a hatred for all those “pro-choice” ideas. That is, anything where it is perceived you have a “choice”. From this point of view, they believe you have a “choice” to be Gay/Lesbian, and as such can change.…

  • God and Suffering.

    I’ve been reading, as is my want, Alistair McGrath’s Introduction to Christian Theology. While reading up on History, I’ve found a small idea from Origen that peaked my interest. Origen sets up the idea of a dialog between two ideas of God, that which could have been, and that which is now. It is this…

  • Death Playing Chess

    While writing and essay based on the film Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey, I started trying to track down where the idea comes from that you can play Death for your soul. It’s an interesting one, and one I thought would be a fairly trivial one to solve. It appears, however, that what you end…

  • A Curates Blog

    For those regular readers of this blog, you will note that two posts of links one after another normally means that Black Xanthus has spent far too much time playing with Stumble. This is actually one I found by trying to work out what kind of geek I’m going to become. There is a geekery…

  • Dominatrix Vicar

    Sometimes you come across the strangest titles. This one belongs to the Daily Mail. It’s an interestingly worded article.* The opening lines are these: Some days she strides up to church wearing hot pants and biker boots. Or she might opt for dominatrix-style red leather high heels to go with her six piercings including a…

  • New Bishop for St. Davids

    The Dean of St. Davids Cathedral, the Very Reverend John Wyn Evans has been elected 128th Bishop of the Diocise of St. Davids. He was elected by an Electoral College”lock in” following the resignation of the former Bishop Rt Rev. Bishop Carl Cooper in may. The Electoral College is made up of representative from all…

  • Bibles and Guns

    Some of you may remember a post about Guns for God that I did a while back. I thought that was pretty disturbing. Then I found this image: They appear to be lined up as though they are going to be handed out, at some sort of stadium by the look of it. Perhaps some…

  • Malicious Allegations Could Cost Your Job

    Everyone knows that the most vulnerable people in our society need to be protected. The young, frail, the elderly and so on. For their safety, to avoid employing someone who has convicted or proven tendencies that could harm these individuals a system was set up to protect them. This was known as the Criminal Records…

  • Christian Course Credits Worth Nothing

    It appears that the University of California can ignore the credits of some Christian courses that students are presenting with. Like most countries, the USA has a scoring system. The better you do in your exams, the more points you have to get into University. The University of California has managed to win the constitutional…

  • The Lambeth Conference

    As most of you are aware, something called the “Lambeth Conference” is being held this year. This is a conference of invited Bishops that happens every 10 years. It is a place for Bishops all over the wold to meet and discuss different issues that affect everyone in the Anglican Communion. Originally they met at…

  • Provincial Board (Part 2)

    For those of you with short memories (or don’t really want to scroll down to view the last post), this is a post about my experiances at the Provincial Board. The Provincial Board is the final personality test on the journey towards being able to start the training to become (hopefully) a Vicar in the…

  • The Provincial Board

    Regular readers will know that I’ve made it through to the final stage in Selection for applying for training in the Church in Wales. This final stage is known as the Provincial Board. It comprises of 48 hours of team exorcises with fellow hopefulls, and a series of Interviews covering different areas of your calling,…

  • Meeting with the Diocesan Board

    The Meeting actually happened on the 23rd of May Running up to this meeting was not the easiest time. What with everything going on, I hardly had any time for preparation, though how you prepare for this, one of the biggest interviews on the Journey to the Church I don’t know. I was lucky, I…