Bishop Carl Cooper and Revd. Mandy Williams Potter to take Leave of Absence

article in need of tidying
(The Times Online Article here:

Questions about the inapropriate relationship that the Bishop Carl may or may not have had with his Communications Officer have hit the mainstream press. The incident started when Bishop Carl had to make the unhapppy announcement that he and his wife of 25 years, Joy, were to get a divorce.

The Bishop sent a letter to all the Churches informing them of his sad decision, and stated that no-one else was involved on either side. (The actual text of the letter can be found here) Pains were taken to note that no-one else was involved, as you can see, and that their reasons for separating were “personal”. There was a lot of unrest in the Praishes, with a lot of Clergy expressing their sadness at this unfortunate event. You often hear in the press about people being “shocked and saddened”, but had anyone brought this subject up with their local cleric, they probably would have seen it in their face. It was a very personal blow to all of them.

The problem escalated it was revealed that Mandy Williams Potter was to seperate from her husband. Various reports state that this announcement came at under 24 hours of the Bishops announcement, though with much less fan-fare. However, people started putting pieces together.

Rumours, as they so often do, grew around this time, from what appears to be an innocent co-incidence. The difference is that within the Church, it is necessary to follow decorum. It wasn’t *done* for that news to come that close to the one from the Bishop. More followed, with Clergy finding that it appeared that what was always a close relationship might have become something more. The feeling of unrest in the Dicoese grew.

Concerned Clerics started a petition to have the private life of the Bishop investigated. Some thinking that there is no smoke without fire. What the rest were thinking is left as an excorsise with the Reader. Still other clerics gave the call that if the Bishop was not removed, or did not resign, they would look for other Episcapalian leadership. A threat of splitting from the Church. The small, distressing, and private matter was now country-wide news.

The bit-parts in the media, that of the Bishops’ Wife and Children, and that of Mandy’s Husband and Children appeared to be forgotten. At least, until some detestable hack decided to check out the Bishops’ daughters Bebo. This gave the media more coverage over these “wayword” children. Of course, the fact that one of them is 20 years old, and has every right to do as she pleases didn’t appear to cross the minds of the media, but then, it never does. Anything to sell shocking stories. They pulled up a load of quotes from the Girls’ blog, as well as a few pictures of them going to fancy-dress parties and drinking. Refering to some of the entries as “loutish”.

The Media, as usuall, missing the Human Interest Story of how it was actually affecting the clergy that knew and loved Bishop Carl and his wife, Joy. How the disruption in the Dicoese was bringing tears to the eyes of those that you should never have to see cry.

It need not be said that this kind of thing in a close working community, such as a Dicoese causes a large amount of disruption, not just to the daily lives of the clergy, but also to ancillary staff, layreaders, and laypeople. It has obviously affected prospective ordinands within the diocease, as Mandy Williams Potter is also the Warden of Ordinands for the Diocease.

They have both now taken, or are on, leave of absences. Bishop Carl sent a message to his clergy, explaining how the media was affecting him and his family, and how sorry he was that the media found out before they did. (messsage can be found here). It appears that there is a leak that made the new reach the press before the clergy.

We all hope that this entire thing can be sorted out quickly. Once decisions are made at least people will know where they stand. I hope that all those out there that are affected by this can draw strength from each other, and from the love that Christ has for all of us.

Black Xanthus






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