Transexual Toiletts in Secondary Schools

A Secondary School in Thailand is offering a Third toilet to it’s students, that of a transexal toilet. Kampang Secondary School situated in Thailands impoverished north-east has responded to the pupil’s requet for a Toilet for it’s Transexual pupils.

This is a result of the Transexual male pupils first trying to use the boys toilets, but were teased, and then used the female toilets, but that made the girls uncomfortable. The resutl, it seems, was to build a third toilet just for them.

The article at the BBC lists the youngest member of this group as being 12. The head teacher of the school estiamates that in any year 10 to 20% of boys consider themselfs transexuals.

It is an interesting form of acceptance, and a definate break in societies traditional gender-roles. The Internet tells me that most Gay/Lesbians know from fairly early on that they don’t think like the rest of their peers, and I presume that it’s the same for transexuals.

There a small bit of me that feels a little uneasy about this. The toilets themselfs are a definate badge of creating a distinctive In-Group for the Transexuals. This, of course, makes them feel more comfortable with who they are, and I suppose that if the other groups are used to being in contact with this group it might break down negative stereotypes, however there is always the danger of forming a group that is set appart, and made as a target.

In this case, however, it was welcomed by the members of the group. I guess like all “phases” in a persons life, some will drifft into the life-style, and drifft out if/when they realise it’s not for them, and others will feel relieved that they are not alone. I think in the main that this is a good thing, a definate way forward.

The article doesn’t mention about those girls who want to be boys. Traditionally the “tom-boy” was just a rough-and-tumble girl, but in this day and age, it can mean one who knows she should not be trapped in a man’s body. Presumably these toilets are also for them.

The article is also an interesting commentry on Thai society. The toilets were passed without even the slightest hint of scandle.

Could you imagine such a thing in this country?

It’s just occured to me what about it that seems a bit off to me. It’s the fact that because of the taunts, these boys have been forced to make themselfs different. That is, they have been forced to become a group appart. They shouldn’t have too. People should just accept other people, and just get on with life. Of course, this is my view, and I’m not a Transexual, so perhaps it feels different.

Anyone want to share their comments?

~Black Xanthus






4 responses to “Transexual Toiletts in Secondary Schools”

  1. amiller127 Avatar

    Ah Thailand and the Katoey’s (Transexuals to you and I)…..

    There has been a HUGE increase in the last few years of kids becoming transexuals. Thailand has always been a very liberated country for people who feel this way so its not as if all of a sudden more and more people have come out as Trannies.

    I would say that the biggest reason for the increase is a mix of absolute poverty in the country and growing numbers of foreign sex tourists. Sex is a HUGE part of Thailands economy and Westerners FLOCK there to get their end off and do things they wouldnt be able to do or afford to do in the UK. As more and more foreigners go to Thailand looking for Ladyboys, more and more of the poorest Thai families are finding that their sons are going to Katoey route to bring in the money to support the family. In Thailand the young adults work to support the elderly and the elderly relatives look after the children. A LOT of any sex workers money tends to be sent back home to help the family.

    I dont think there has been a genuine increase of boys who think they are in the wrong bodies. What it seems to me is that this way of life is being encouraged to try and help the family. For years women have prostituted themselves to help support their families in Thailand, and now more and more boys are doing the same.

    A bit sad really the effect our little perversions have on the lovely people of Thailand 🙁

  2. BlackXanthus Avatar


    So you think it’s more of a way of making money, than it is an expression of who they are?

    Does that mean, therefore, that there is a social factor here? If there is, that would seem to fly in the face of science that says that sexuality is something that you are, not something that you can become.

    This kind of idea would point to a lot of people doing things to their bodies they are not personally comfortable with, but doing it in order to help out their families. Why then, do you think, that it’s starting so young? A mature decision to become a sex-worker later in life would perhaps fit that profile more.



  3. amiller127 Avatar

    There are people who ARE TS’s in Thailand who feel that they are in the wrong body, which im not disputing. You will get a % of that in any country. The thing is though in Thailand that the % of Katoey kids has exploded.

    Part of the issue is money. The Thai family runs a bit different to the UK family in that the children are brought up expected to work to support their parents while the parents will look after the grandkids etc. They stick a lot closer together than a lot of UK families. So there is a pressure there to earn money for your family which is more than we have in the UK. As the sex industry in Thailand is huge there is a lot of easyish money to be made there and some Thai people wont think twice of sacrificing themselves or their bodies to support their family. Doesnt mean they have to have a full op, im sure plenty do not, but they can get cheap plastic surgery to give them breasts and to make themselves look more feminine than they already are. A lot of Thai males can look pretty feminine and have the body shape that with a few modifications can look female.

    So as for the kids being KAtoeys. Some will actually feel like they are in the wrong body. Some will have started to think of it as a career (you can always take the fake boobs out later on with some people) and some will think its a cool thing to be as Thai society has no problems with Katoeys and arent repulsed by TS as a lot of people in Western societies are. These will probably grow out of it at some point….

  4. amiller127 Avatar

    As an aside. To show just how famous Thailand is for its Katoeys there has been a travelling Katoey show working its way through the west. Those that make it big will make a LOT of money for themselves and families….

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