Life Never Ceases To Amaze Me.

So, just another work day. An argument sparks over something small, with me seeing that I’m only following orders. The Manager in question comes over and starts questioning me about it. Normally, I would have just cowed, said sorry and that it will never happen again. I guess it’s because that I’m moving on that I stood up for myself. Much to my surprise, this then led onto the fact that she didn’t see her reactions the same way that I saw them. Nor did I see my actions the same way she saw them.

She had apparently noticed that over the past few months I’d grown more and more distant from her. This was mostly because I couldn’t be bothered with the confrontation, nor to find myself being made out to be stupid.

I’m guessing this is the area where meditation would have been useful. To remove the log in my eye to investigate someone elses’ chip on their shoulder. All I need to do now is to hold onto this memory, and try to enact the lessons that I’ve so obviously been taught. I guess it’s the hardness, and my personal Victim field. One I didn’t realise was quite so big.

This is one of those things I will need to remember, and reflect upon.

My Journey has most definitely begun.

~Black Xanthus. Challenge Everythign.






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