A Change in Layout

Dear and Faithful Readers, it’s time for a change.

Not a big one, but one that’s meant to help me further my investigation into the Religious. To that end, I’m adding a new category to this blog, entitled “Reflections”. These are a collection of thoughts about a subject.

A bit of background, I suppose might help. As an ordinand in the Church in Wales, we all have to fill out a protfolio. This is an interesting item of work, where we have to explore those areas of Ministry that you can’t really “prove” with some exam or other. We are to find little bits of information, to think and to “Reflect” on experiences that we have. These are then to be drawn together under a collection of headings to prove that particular item.

I would list them here, but I’ve not brought the protfolio home with me. The reason that this item hasn’t been put up sooner is that the internet provision at St. Micheals College is… well… the Church in Wales all over. It’s only available in two rooms, and even then the coverage is a little flakey. There was the idea that this year they would be starting a renovation project that would put cabled connection into this room, but the cost was prohibitive. They were also going to extend the wireless network, but someone told them a few… untruths, and that was also deemed expensive.

This is a situation that I’m working on.

~Black Xanthus






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