The First Week at St. Michaels in Llandaff

For those that have been wondering where the recent blog updates have vanished too, I’ve been away at the ordinand college of St. Michaels in Llandaff. As my previous post points out, the internet connection there is a little… lacking. It’s taken me all week to get over it, I mean, the shock of having to resort too.. *cringe*.. pen and paper!

The week has been long and tiring. The routine has been a hard change, up in time for 7:45 Morning Worship, followed by breakfast, and then into introductions to the whole program formation for Ministry. Lunch at 12:30, and then back for more introductions. A final service, either a eucarist, all age worship, prayer meetings, or evning prayer at 5:30. There is also a compline on Monday and Wednesday at 9:30, but these are optional. We have to make 2 services a day.

The most important thing that we learnt was about having to wright reflections. There has been so much to reflect on this week, from the feelings of being deskilled, to being overwhelmed by the change, and of being surrounded by a large number of people who knew a lot more than me about leading worship.

The early mornings are killing me. That and not being able to sleep properly while my body clock adjusts from the late nights and late mornings to this new, early morning, early evening sleeping routine. As you can see from the time of this post, I’ve still not got it right.

With a bit of luck there will be some reflections up over the week as I make myself walk down to the library to post them online. Ahh, the love I have for my non-existing readership.

Keep reading, and with a bit of luck, this blog might get a bit more interesting.

~Black Xanthus.

Addendum: I found this interesting idea about what precisely it is that Jesus died for. A lot of people have difficulty with the idea that he died to remove “Original Sin”, being as Original Sin is based on the story in Genesis, and doesn’t seem to make sense to us all these years later. It’s and interesting perspective, and yet another thing that I may need to wright a reflection on.






2 responses to “The First Week at St. Michaels in Llandaff”

  1. amiller127 Avatar

    Oh god…. your having to handwrite? I remember just how awfull your handwriting is :p…. Cant have helped that you probably not writien much by anything other than computer for the past decade… I shudder to think what its going to be like 😀

    The changes to body clock are awfull, but shouldnt be too hard for you I would have thought. You were in a regular 9-5 job up intil recently right? The worst I had it was when i switched from bar work (getting home around 2-3am and not being able to sleep for another few hours) to 8-5 job. Didnt help my last shift was a sunday night and i was in training for new job on monday :S….

    I did my usual trick for the training. I practiced subliminal learning. I fell asleep in class, let the tutor waffle on and passed my test with flying colours at the end of training :D. You will be fine…

    p.s. If you fall asleep during any of your lectures and get caught, tell them you were in deep prayer to the lord to give you strength and understanding to learn the lessons being taught……. ;-). A good excuse I think 😀

  2. BlackXanthus Avatar

    I can’t quite see that working.. the problem being is that, as you can imagine, the classes are very small, rearly more than about 15 of us., This makes it difficult to not have to put forward an opinion long enough to fall asleep. My body cloc is slowly adjusting, but it’s taking it toll. I seem to need to grab an afternoon’s sleep sometime on a Thursday in order to be able to drive home.
    Still, it could be worse.

    At some point I’ll actually have to start doing some work…


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