The Dyslexia Test

So I finally managed to make an appointment, and succesfully show up (albeit a bit late) for a quick and simple test to see if there is a possibility that I have Dyslexia. The first test was fairly straight-forward, asking a few questions about life experience, which you have to try to answer honestly. This is a little difficult, because there’s no “sometimes” button, which means you then have to choose “yes” as an option. This, then, doesn’t really take into account circumstances, but the idea seems to be that of giving an indication on if it’s worth doing another, longer, 2 1/2 hour test.

From the results of this simple question-and-answer test, there were enough indicators that it was worth me doing the second test. It was this second test that threw me. It tests things like memory, pattern recognition and so on, as well as spelling, but only really of simple words. The surprising part of it was how much of it I couldn’t do. Parts of it are timed, so I have no idea if that’s how it’s meant to go.

A lot of it is stuf that I figured that I’d be able to breeze through, and some of it seemed, at least to me, deceptively simple. Despite that, I was still surprised at my inability with the test. None of it appeard to have a direct accademic impact for me, but the surprise at finding out that there were things that other people could do that I couldn’t was… well, surprising.

Of course, a lot of it comes down to ego. The bit that you think you can do, the bit by which you define yourself, puts you on the line that says “as intelligent as everyone else”, and then you personaly bolster your percieved accademic acheivement so that ataining more complicated things, like degrees, are possible from your point of view.

I don’t know what the result is yet. The test took nearly a half-hour longer than it should have, so there was no time for it to be assessed. They are going to phone me and invite me to come in to get my results. Hopefully sometime this week.







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