Breaking up is hard to do.

They write songs about it. They write poems about it. It never really covers the pain. The problem with pain? it makes you angry, it makes you want to lass out, and generally, someone has to take the blame.

The problem here is that there is no blame. Things End.

We both needed more from the relationship. That is, we both needed the other do give a little more in a way they couldn’t promise to do. I suppose it could be worse. Much worse. Of course,the next step is the awkward social situations. Her friends used to be my friends. That means at some point I’m going to get back out there. For the past year, I’ve avoided social situations, because I don’t want to hurt people.

I suppose my only real gripe about all this is that I do take the time, and the care, to ensure that those around me, those that love me, are not hurt by my actions. It takes a lot of doing, keeping your head in the sand when your technically a social guy.

It occoured to me that while I still count myself as a Social Guy, I’ve not actually been actively social for MONTHS, bordering on years. I wonder if I am no longer social? just an tired out old Rocker, with a bag full of dreams, and a pocket full of memories?

Well, it’s 8:15am, and unusall time for me to be up, but it appears that the new career is going to require it of me, and it’s going to take me a while to adjust my body cloc.

It’s amazing how theraputic actually writing some of this stuff out actually is.







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