Critically teaching children should benefit Christianity

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A thought occours.

Surely, as a right-thinking Christian (Please, Atheists, don’t rant about the idea that you can’t have a right-thinking religious anything, and just follow the train of thought), the best thing you can do for your child is to ensure that they have a full, and well-rounded education. That they are open to all kinds of suggestion, and that they learn evolution, about other religions, and have the freedom to practice and choose their own way.


The result is a normal, sensible, cognative (non-brainwashed), human being. Of course you, if your Christian, take them to Church with you, much the same way that people who follow sport take their children to sports games (okay, bad analogy, but you can raise your kids any way you want), until they choose not to come with you, or prefer a different sport, or just plain don’t want to get up so early on a Sunday. They will get the basics, the idea that Jesus is a nice guy, that he wants people to be nice to each other, and that peace is a good thing (I’m not saying that you can’t get these morrals from any other kind of upbringing either. Can we just take it as read, to avoid this post being full of explanation, that I’m okay with any way that you get Morrals into your kid, even if you happen to believe the FSM is right, and that the lack of Pirates caused global warming? (this example might be a bit extreem… you see my point right? .. right?)).

What good is this going to do for Christianity? you give the kids a choice in the matter, and they will always choose the long lie in with a view to playing on the computer. Surly as good parents you should force them to go to Church, and brain wash them.

No. Let them be kids. If they are destined for religion, as I (apparently) seem to be, then they will come back. God will arrange the road, and they will follow it. This will make their belif one that’s real, one that’s grounded in the world that we live in, and one that will be able to help the Church, help them reach more people, and hopefully spread a more tolerant view, heal some of the old wounds.

What if they are not?

So what? They will at least be good, well adjusted kids. Religion is a choice. A child should never be “indoctrinated” into any kind of Religion.

Just a thought,

Black Xanthus.







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