Author: BlackXanthus

  • Bibles and Guns

    Some of you may remember a post about Guns for God that I did a while back. I thought that was pretty disturbing. Then I found this image: They appear to be lined up as though they are going to be handed out, at some sort of stadium by the look of it. Perhaps some…

  • Story : A book of Stories

    Producing your first book is a heck of a task. It’s an uphill struggle to get it accepted, to get your name out there, to get yourself talked about. Most authors start with short stories, or journalism. Such a person is Hannah Eiseman-Renyard. Her book has just managed to hit amazon. I’ve yet to get…

  • Rules for dealing with women.

    For most people, dealing with women makes no sense. There seems to be rules that you can’t understand. A recent breakthrough by scientists points to the idea that it might be based on a points system. The earliest investigations seem to lead to the fact that men are missing how the system works. A quick…

  • SeaGulls Remind me of You

    I don’t of then think of you, Not any more. Since the day our paths divereged forever, on that gray step outside your door, I hardly ever wonder, About how things might have been, Whether or not I really do miss your voice, If love will be the same with another. I walk along the…

  • Free Web Hosting

    Now, it’s not often I put up posts that are likely to shoot myself in the foot. I’ve been toying with online services for a very long time, in the vaugue hope that I would make some money. Ideally enough to be able to actually afford the insane plan of going off to join the…

  • Malicious Allegations Could Cost Your Job

    Everyone knows that the most vulnerable people in our society need to be protected. The young, frail, the elderly and so on. For their safety, to avoid employing someone who has convicted or proven tendencies that could harm these individuals a system was set up to protect them. This was known as the Criminal Records…

  • Christian Course Credits Worth Nothing

    It appears that the University of California can ignore the credits of some Christian courses that students are presenting with. Like most countries, the USA has a scoring system. The better you do in your exams, the more points you have to get into University. The University of California has managed to win the constitutional…

  • Life Never Ceases To Amaze Me.

    So, just another work day. An argument sparks over something small, with me seeing that I’m only following orders. The Manager in question comes over and starts questioning me about it. Normally, I would have just cowed, said sorry and that it will never happen again. I guess it’s because that I’m moving on that…

  • Skeptical Christian

    The stub from this site seems to put it as a interesting looking site. As it’s late, I’m going to do my usuall thing of posting it here. That way if I forget about it, I will find it when I re-read my blog as I am want to do from time to time. Take…

  • Mental Disorders of Batman

    Sometimes, you bounce around the web looking for random crap, through my friend and yours, Stumble, and suddenly you find something…. unexpected. I found a site talking about the mental disorders of Batman. We all know he has them. Interestingly, it was then pointed out that the possible “homosexual” overtones between Batman and Robin should…

  • Blog Catalog


  • Transexual Toiletts in Secondary Schools

    A Secondary School in Thailand is offering a Third toilet to it’s students, that of a transexal toilet. Kampang Secondary School situated in Thailands impoverished north-east has responded to the pupil’s requet for a Toilet for it’s Transexual pupils. This is a result of the Transexual male pupils first trying to use the boys toilets,…

  • Life of Brian “Pokes Fun At Christians”

    No, it’s not 1979. No, I’m not being amazed at how this film was once picketed by Christian Lobby Groups as poking fun at Jesus Christ. I’m being amazed that rev. Canon Stuart Bell thinks that it should remain banned in the small sea-side university town of Aberystwyth. This all started when it was realised…

  • The Lambeth Conference

    As most of you are aware, something called the “Lambeth Conference” is being held this year. This is a conference of invited Bishops that happens every 10 years. It is a place for Bishops all over the wold to meet and discuss different issues that affect everyone in the Anglican Communion. Originally they met at…

  • The Results of the Provincial Selection Process

    They told me, finally. Okay, so they told me A week last Saturday, and it’s taken me this long to be able to have a few minits together to post this. I don’t really have these minits either, but I figured that I should put it up. The mad fools, for what ever reason (I…