Author: BlackXanthus

  • Guns For God!

    eh? What? Okay, so this shouldn’t be the return post. It should be something about GAFCON, or the Jerusalem Directive, or even Female Bishops finally being ordained in England. Perhaps, even, the Lambeth Confrerence. All of these are long posts in the making. If I actually get round to them, what with life being very…

  • Provincial Board (Part 2)

    For those of you with short memories (or don’t really want to scroll down to view the last post), this is a post about my experiances at the Provincial Board. The Provincial Board is the final personality test on the journey towards being able to start the training to become (hopefully) a Vicar in the…

  • The Provincial Board

    Regular readers will know that I’ve made it through to the final stage in Selection for applying for training in the Church in Wales. This final stage is known as the Provincial Board. It comprises of 48 hours of team exorcises with fellow hopefulls, and a series of Interviews covering different areas of your calling,…

  • 42 days detention without Charge

    Did you hear it? Can you hear that wonderful sound? the sound of yet another Human Right dissoppearing into the meglomaniac hands of Gordon Brown and his Party. Does anyone remember where we’ve seen bill put forward that remove human rights in the idea of National Security before? Somewhere back in the mists of time?…

  • Meeting with the Diocesan Board

    The Meeting actually happened on the 23rd of May Running up to this meeting was not the easiest time. What with everything going on, I hardly had any time for preparation, though how you prepare for this, one of the biggest interviews on the Journey to the Church I don’t know. I was lucky, I…

  • Who are the Terrorists?

    A thought occours. The UK Governement is busy removing our rights in the name of keeping us safe. Two of the biggest governments in the West are waging a war. A war on an idea. Ever since George W. Bush instigated his War on Terror, we have marched into a country on the off-chance that…

  • A Quote from Richard Dawkins

    The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. – Richard Dawkins You could equally say the same about some current…

  • What happened to our rights? welcome to UKistan

    I have spent some time on this blog bemoaning the loss of rights that Americans suffer, but I’ve said absolutly nothing about the way that the British Governement is busy turning this into a UKistan. They are busy making a whole host of laws that are obviously being made by people who have no idea…

  • A Busy Time

    Some of you may have noticed that it’s been a long time since any kind of update. The reason has been a very busy life. Currently I’m planning a wedding, preparing for my future, and I have just finished my Stag Weekend. All of which are posts in themselfs, and probably will be. For the…

  • Bishop Carl Cooper Has Resigned

    It was reported on Tuesday (29.04.08) that Bishop Carl Cooper has resigned after days of speculation. His resignation comes after allegations of inpropriety with his Chaplin, Mrs. Mandy Williams-Potter. The news was reported to the Clergy early Tuesday Morning, and broken on the early morning news. A statement from the Church in Wales says: The…

  • Watching Grass Grow

    Every now and again something floats past that I feel I really must mention. One of those is a website by an enterprising American who allows you to watch his/her grass grow. Watching Grass Grow Got nothing else better to do? So, err… enjoy! Black Xanthus

  • Hiroshima: A Thriving City

    Hiroshima Today is a thriving city in Japan. It contains everything you could possibly want to find in a modern City. I don’t know what it takes for a city to pull itself up by the bootstraps like that, and get it’self back on it’s feet, and rebuild. I had, probably like many people, imagined…

  • Visual Blast Radius of Nuclear Bomb

    Ever wanted to bomb your home town? This site will allow you to do just that. You can quite happily drop any size nuclear bomb on your town and see how much of it is left. Guess what? there’s not much of it. The smaller bombs are just enough to take out just the…

  • The Local Liberal Democrat Website

    I was browsing the book of face as a friend of mine is want to call it, and came across an advert by our local Liberal Democrat Candidate. So surprised was I to find it, that I went looking for the advert. Then I clicked on it and followed it to the website. What I…

  • No Female Bishops for the Church in Wales

    A bill to allow the ordination of female Bishops into the Church in Wales was narrowly defeated by 3 votes by the House of the Clergy at the beginning of this month. It was defeated by only 3 votes, a press release at the Church in Wales reports.. Arch Bishop Barry Morgan is said to…