Category: Uncategorized

  • The Kingdom of God is Exactly nothing Like Ankh-Morpork

    The Kingdom of God is exactly nothing like Ankh-Morpork – A Sermon for Christ the King Sunday Kingdom of God is exactly nothing like Ankh-Morpork

  • Church of England Votes Against Women Bishops

    The Synod of the Church of England has voted against allowing women Bishops. Interestingly, however, it’s not the Clergy, or the Bishops that are against this move. It’s the Laity. That is, the people in the pews. They were the house that voted against it. The “yes” got 64% of the votes. There was only…

  • Sermons – It’s all Collen’s Fault

    This is part of several sermons that should have been put up ages ago, but as those of you that are regular readers may have noticed, I’ve not been on top of that. So, here for those of you that want to read it, the sermon entitled Its All Collens Fault ~Bx

  • Sir, We Would See Jesus.

    This sermon… confuses me. I wrote it, sure, but I don’t know what it means. By that, I mean, that I don’t know what message I was going for, and, more to the point, I don’t know what message it has. The thing that really confuses me is that I’m going to preach it. Probably…

  • Do You Want to Be a Hero?

    Today’s Sermon. I know that I’ve been a bit slow on updating my sermons here, but I’m going to try and get back into the habit of doing it. So, here is the one for today. The readings for today are : Isaiah 35:4-7a, James 2:1-10 [11-13] 14-17, Mark 7:24-37 DoYouWantToBeAHero-Sermon This was an interesting…

  • Sermon – the Person of Jesus

    Reading – Gospel : John 1:1-14 This is a Sermon about the person of Jesus, using an illustration from a roleplay Character of mine who’s famous introduction was “I bring you Greetings from the Temple of the Celestial Flame”. As this is a Family Talk, the bold type sentances above the paragraphs are there to…

  • What happened to the blog?

    Dear Gentle Reader, Sorry for the silence. This year has been a very busy, exciting and difficult year for me al at the same time. I have been ordained, gained my degree, and suffered from an extended bout of sickness, which I’m hoping I’m finally coming out of. Normal service will resume, with I hope…

  • …. and I’m back.

    Yes indeed. I have travelled back from the distant land of Lesotho back to good old Blighty. I have to say, I’m very glad to be back. I did indeed have a good time in Lesotho, the people, by and large, were varied and interesting, but like a lot of placements, there were a few…

  • To Lesotho!

    So, dear and gentle reader, This is it. This is me getting ready for Lesotho. I can’t guarantee that there’ll be any updates while I’m away, but if I do get a change, I will put them here. So, for now, for the next four weeks, I shall be in Lesotho, seeing how the other…

  • Send Me To Lesotho!

    Hello Friends, Romans, Netizens! I have come not to praise Black Xanthus, but to ask politely for your money! I have been accepted by USPG to go to Lesotho on Mission. This will be a wonderful way to expand my horizons (which is probably why USPG call it the Expanding Horizons Program), but it’s very…

  • Student Nationals, Edinburgh, 2010

    It was awesome. Of course it was, it was the nationals. It reminded me of all kinds of things. Why I enjoy roleplaying, why I’m training for ministry, why I like the people I like. My the Nationals forever continue. A lot to do in 48 hours, but then, if you’ve never been, you can’t…

  • Ann Widdecome: Fail

    So, I was just watching “The Bible: A History” by Ann Widdecome. It wasn’t long before it become obvious that this was a polemic from the slightly fundamental side of Christianity, one that slips a little over that line into Phariseac interpretation of the Bible. After riduculing Biblical Scholarship, and wrongly citing it as “Secular”…

  • Explainging Max Boyce

    I’m a fan of Max Boyce. I have to be. I’m Welsh. The thing is, that people who are not from Wales don’t understand. He talks to a part of Welsh culture that doesn’t really exsist any more… that singing in the bar. The kind that probably died when they closed the Pits, so before…

  • Birch 0.5 BETA

    Hello All, It’s a very proud day for me. After 10 years of Coding, Birch has finally made it to BETA. I know that sounds a bit crazy, but I keep moving the goal-posts for what it needs to do to be a release client. Essentially it has to do the same as the other…

  • Return of the Snoop

    Here’s a quick place-holder where I can upload the Snoop, a more permenant home will be with us snoon! snoop1911-1109 ~BX