Year: 2009

  • NPower Sucks

    (start Rant) Okay, so we got a bill from NPower to day, only to discover that some muppet at NPower can’t count. They were in no way cheaper than our previous supply, infact, they appear to be a little more expensive. that’s not the problem. The problem was that the amount that we were paying…

  • Michael Jackson dead at 50

    The singer, song-writer and entertainer Michael Jackson has passed away, apparently from a heart attack. Paramedics were called to his house early this evening, and had to perform CPR. He was taken to the UCLA medical center where he was pronounced dead. He died of a cardiac arrest, and arrived at the hospital in a…

  • Interval

    The black van sat at the side of the long single-track road. The two men in the front seat were busy staring out the main window. An acqusation-filled silence passed between the two men. The driver, a tall black man, with dread-locks and a once-colourfull hat was resting his feet either side of the steering…

  • Goddess Rita, and the minor God, Olly

    I was Stumbling around the internet, as is my want, when I really should have been doing other things, and I came accross a wonderful article about someone who’s trying to create a minor god called Olly. It was the kind of article with such a random opening that I found myself reading it. There…

  • Birch 0.5.4 ALPHA

    It’s been a long time, but here we go. Another release of that IRC Java Client that you’ve all been waiting for (go on, admit it, you know you have been). It’s all contained in the Zip attached to this post. Running: Download and unzip the file into a single director, eg c:\Birch or ~/Birch…

  • Is it worth going through all of the training to become an anglican priest?

    When checking out my statistics page to see if my blog was getting anything like popular, I discovered that this question had been asked somewhere out in the googlesphere, and had some-how come to my blog. I don’t know if the person that typed this question found an answer out there, but I know that…

  • An argument in the Desert

    Two hermits lived together for many years without a quarrel. One said to the other, ‘Let’s have a quarrel with each other, as other men do.’ the other answered, ‘I don’t know how a quarrel happens.’ The first said, ‘Look here, I put a brick between us, and I say, “That’s mine.” That is how…

  • Holy Week Excurstions

    A few days late, but I figure that I should write up what I did for Holy Week. Admitedly it’s a bit like what I did on holiday, but hopefully less cheesy and more spiritually enlightening. I spent the week, along with 3 other ordinands along a gruelling Holy Week. this seemed to mostly be…

  • Watchmen…. as a view of the Old Testament.

    Caution: Spoilers Ahead I’ve just been to see the film, Watchment. It goes without saying, it was ACE. I, like most people who have a soft spot for Rochanc was really irritated when he died, but I can appreciate why it was a must. Of course, the film has that wonderful use of music that…

  • A Bit of Fiction.

    Sometimes these ideas just come to you. Here’s the first 1500 words of what appears to be a story that I just started writing. I don’t know where it’s going, or what it’s going to end up like, but I thought I’d share it with you: Priest Thanks, ~BX

  • Ramblings on a Coherent Christian Theology

    I had to start somewhere. I had to sit down, and try to work out what precisely it is that I believe. Odd, I hear you metophorically say. Surly, your training to be an Ordinand, your obviously Christian, how can you at this point start trying to work out what you believe? Well, it’s like…

  • Gay And Lesbian Christians, You are Not Alone

    I’ve often pidgeon-holed Evancelicals along with the term “Fundamentalist”. This implies a strict adherence to the Bible, and a hatred for all those “pro-choice” ideas. That is, anything where it is perceived you have a “choice”. From this point of view, they believe you have a “choice” to be Gay/Lesbian, and as such can change.…

  • The Quiet Day

    Today, being Ash Wednesday, has been designated a Quiet Day at St. Micheals College, Llandaf. A lot of people are wandering about, sitting together in silence, quietly reading. What do you think that I’m doing? Nothing that remotely relates to religion. I’ve spent the morning installing Fedora 10 onto my new Laptop after Vista annoyed…

  • God and Suffering.

    I’ve been reading, as is my want, Alistair McGrath’s Introduction to Christian Theology. While reading up on History, I’ve found a small idea from Origen that peaked my interest. Origen sets up the idea of a dialog between two ideas of God, that which could have been, and that which is now. It is this…

  • The Dyslexia Test

    So I finally managed to make an appointment, and succesfully show up (albeit a bit late) for a quick and simple test to see if there is a possibility that I have Dyslexia. The first test was fairly straight-forward, asking a few questions about life experience, which you have to try to answer honestly. This…