Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Rain

    The rain saddly pitter-pats out your name, As the world cries it’s tears for us. Theunder gently rolls it’s sympathy, As though it too missess your touch. Slowly the world is washed clean, It’s broken heart healed by the rising sun, Then sit, close my eyes, And wait for the rain.


    There are many different types of tests on the internet today. Personality tests, purity tests, stereotype tests, political tests. But now, there is one test to rule them all. Traditionally, online tests would ask certain questions about your musical tastes or clothing for a stereotype, your experiences for a purity test, or deep questions for…

  • The Angel.

    Last night I met a rather interesting Austrailian Lady. She’s a bit different from most of the people that I’ve ever met, and seems to know her stuff. We spent most of the night just chatting. We’re meeting each other for lunch. I guess the lunch will be just as interesting. SK

  • Deita.

    It seems that yesterday Deita was rushed into hospitable, to have an operation at 3 o’clock. I’ve not heard anything yet. The only details I have is that there was a lot of fluid on his lungs, and he’s on 100% oxygen. My Prayers are with him. SK

  • Through to the next round,.

    And I’m “through”. As you know, my second meeting with the Vocational Guidance Councellor last Tuesday, and it went really well. Yesturday, I got a phone call saying I should write a “mostly formal” CV/Letter to the Warden of Ordinands. As the VGC keep reminding me, the process is glacial, but at least it’s moving…

  • Goodbye is the hardest word

    One day, when I write my memoirs, several girls are going to kick themselfs. A lot of people think I’m very difficult to love. I’m not. I don’t care (for the most part), what happens. So long as they tell me. I can deal with stuff, but not lies. If there is no trust, then…

  • Breaking up is hard to do.

    They write songs about it. They write poems about it. It never really covers the pain. The problem with pain? it makes you angry, it makes you want to lass out, and generally, someone has to take the blame. The problem here is that there is no blame. Things End. We both needed more from…

  • EBS (Networker): Finding on what tape a file was backed up

    Note: on Solaris, these commands will be in : /usr/sbin/nsr. Please adjust for your operating system. after running: /usr/sbin/nsr/nsrinfo -N filename hostname The long time number then fits after the -t! /usr/sbin/nsr/mminfo -a -c vr1s3 -t 1181818795 -o e -r “volume,pool,%used,capacity,name,ssid,totalsize,nfiles(6),nsavetime,savetime,ssretent” Why you’d actually want to do this, I don’t know. For those of you…

  • Creationism Finally in Museam

    A Story by The Register has pointed out that they’ve managed to get themselfs a “Museam” to “proove” the idea of Creationism. Now, as those of you that read this blog are aware, I’m looking at starting my training to be a Vicar, and I think they are bonkers. As I’ve said before, the Bible…

  • Go Antigua!

    http://www.theregister.com/2007/05/23/antigua_wto_us_gambling/ Here Here! Let Antigua bring it to the Americans! SK

  • Adding Programs to the Enlightenment Menu (DR17)

    This is actually surprisingly easy, providing you can start the program from the command line. The first problem I found with this is that without installing Eterm, you don’t have a terminal to start things from, however, you are given a “run command” button. click that, and type “xterm”, from there, “yum install eterm”. Eterm…

  • Enlightenment E17

    Not that you are likely to find this page, before finding the one below, but at least it will help keep it’s googlerank at the top. http://sps.nus.edu.sg/~didierbe/ This site give you a reposatory where you can yum install e17. I have to tell you, that it is VERY shiney. A little unweildy until you find…

  • Useful Websites

    Ever needed to backup files? take them places with you? don’t have a USB pen-drive, but have access to the internet? then try this: http://desktoptwo.com/ 1GB of free storage. Or hwo about your own movable desktop? (again with 1GB of storage!) http://desktoptwo.com/

  • The Bible, X-Rated.

    http://www.theregister.com/2007/05/18/hong_kong_bible_kerfuffle/ Well, It appears that the sensible chinese have re-classified the Bible. They’ve moved it to the top shelf because of it’s violence and sexual content. Okay, so they havn’t really, and I’m just sensaonalising, much like the link above did. Interesting thought though. The fact that if there’s a wagon, people will climb on…

  • Letters from Darwin

    http://www.theregister.com/2007/05/17/darwins_letters/ Like many people, I suppose, I mourne the loss of written letters, yet lack the impetus to write them myself. Such memories have I in electronic form, such memories delievered to me by relatives and loved ones, that I fear that these will be lost as the electronic age moves on. Not that my…

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